A Vancouver Engagement At Olympic Cauldron: Scott & Meghan

I had the privilege of documenting this INCREDIBLE Vancouver engagement with Scott and Meghan. Why the Waterfront Olympic Cauldron? It was Scott and Meghan’s first trip together so it easily came to Scott’s mind when he was deciding where to pop the question. 

Scott and Meghan live in Calgary and decided to take a trip to Vancouver again to stay in the Fairmont Waterfront. Meghan had said she wanted to go downtown on the 12th, so when Scott reached out to me he was sure about two things: he wanted his proposal to be a huge surprise and he wanted it to be on the 12th! 

The Big Day

Up until the day of their engagement in Vancouver, Scott and I had been in constant contact about timing and which side of the torch he would get down on one knee. Scott said he’d text me with a 2 minute warning since we had never met and I was worried I would shoot the wrong couple!! 

I kept watching for what ended up being way longer than 2 minutes because the walk was further than Scott expected. So I kept waiting, getting more and more nervous that I was going to miss the big moment. But then I saw them!!! As they rounded the corner I confirmed their identity and the stalking began!! 

The Cue … 

As I pretended to be a tourist taking photos of the water, I waited for the signal. Scott and I planned that the signal would be him taking a selfie with Meghan. Sure enough, he pulled out his camera, took a selfie, looked at Meghan and said “Are you ready?” Meghan replied “For what?!” and Scott dropped to his knee!! 

The Joy!

There were tears, laughter, and cheering from crowds in the downtown Vancouver waterfront area when Meghan said yes!!! It was an incredibly sweet moment to witness, and you can see the joy just oooooooozing out of Scott and Meghan in their photos. They are such a beautiful couple and I am so lucky to have met them! 

SHOUTOUT to Christy King of Christy King Photography for referring me to Scott!! She is a good friend of Scott and specializes in real estate photography. Scott had originally asked Christy to do the photos but since she doesn’t specialize in this area of photography she promised Scott she would find him the perfect photographer for such a big moment! 

Christy and I had been “Insta friends” for a long time and she reached out to me with this exciting opportunity. I am so grateful when photographers promote community over competition and offer their support!!

Wedding Next Year

Now Scott and Meghan are engaged, we had a blast celebrating, and I have been asked to shoot their WEDDING DAY in Alberta next year. After being there for their big moment downtown it brings me so much JOY to be chosen as their wedding photographer as well. Love these two so much!! 

Keep scrolling for more photos from our stunning Vancouver engagement shoot and get in touch if you’re looking for a Vancouver engagement photographer!

Vancouver engagement shoot
A romantic Vancouver engagement downtown

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